The “Leaky Pipeline” in Switzerland is a massive problem, where women occupy only 17% of top management compared to 45% of non-management roles.

Because of this, sexism is often an issue and almost impossible to combat alone. Networks of allies are crucial.

Join us to discover equality statistics worldwide and for Switzerland, and to discuss valuable and effective techniques to navigate your professional journey in a traditional, white man’s world.

Building self-confidence is easier with the support of other women like us. Let’s confront discrimination and inequality at work together, with strength, grace and humour.

Join us at Globus Wine Bar for a wine tasting and interactive talk by Alicia Schweiger on how to Leverage your professional networks to crack sexism at work!

Alicia Schweiger

Alicia is certified in Adult Education and has been facilitating workshops and classes for senior leaders for over 25 years. Her experience as a sales and marketing leader and an entrepreneur adds valuable business pragmatism to her topics. She mentors female entrepreneurs in Switzerland and has trained and coached over 10’000 senior professionals to date.

Alicia’s company MINODIAIRE GMBH offers services in consulting, coaching, and organizational education focused on the values of tomorrow: Equality, Sustainability, Diversity and Well-Being.

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