Our club Féminin Pluriel Paris has the honor of welcoming Gonzague de Blignières at our next dinner:

Monday, September 18 at 7:30 p.m., at the Plaza Athénée, 25 Avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris.

👉 Info & Resa: info@fpparis.org

Gonzague de Blignières is Co-Founder of RAISE, an investment and innovation group committed to supporting the visionaries of tomorrow’s economy. RAISE is a mission-driven company with a unique model of sharing success, it supports companies and projects in their development and transformation.

Gonzague de Blignières will therefore share with us his rich experience and his vision on how to reconcile generosity and performance ?

Dinner opens to members and non-members.

Looking forward to meeting all of you.


The board members

👉President: Amandine Maroteaux

👉Vice-President: Victoire Finaz de Villaine

👉Treasurer: Emmanuelle Ferreira

👉Corporate Secretary: Carole Sénéchal

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