“You are fully qualified but you are lacking the business maturity to join the board”


There are many versions of this sentence my clients used to hear.

This is the brutal reality that some professionals are facing. Their lack of executive presence or charisma is slowing down or stopping their career development.


It’s critical across all functions in the corporate world.

In a survey of chief information officers by Gartner (global technology research leader) executive presence skills (aka charisma) came in second among the top 20 leadership skills needed for success.


A question remains: Can you learn, develop and expand your charisma?


Cécile Bastien Remy – o

ur communication expert – invites you to hop on the Training Lunch to decipher the mysteries of finding your Whaooo! factor.


The objectives of the Lunch training are to answer the following questions:

  • Understand what is Executive Presence (EP)/Charisma
  • What does it do and why it is important?
  • What are the elements supporting Executive Presence or Charisma?
  • At the end of the session participants have an understanding of the EP code, and a tool to self-assess and decide how to increase their own Executive Presence….all that over Lunch!


About Cécile Bastien Remy

Cécile Bastien Remy

Cécile Bastien Remy

Cécile is an international communication skills trainer, TEDx and keynote speaker. She works with Corporations, Universities, and Professionals.

Her mission is to help her clients become the speaker they want to be and inspire the change they want to see.

Communication is her business and she loves it.

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/x/shatter-the-glass-ceiling-with-charisma-by-cecile-bastien-remy-tickets-250285910897