Manifesto for Children

  By Diana Palomba, Lawyer and President of Feminin Pluriel Rome   In time of confinement, children’s elementary rights have been put on the backburner, due to the public health emergency. However, some questions related to their basic physical and emotional health have not been answered yet. Féminin Pluriel Rome, in association with Le Contemporane, …

FP Hauts-de-France April 7, 2020 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM Ericka Cogne, parcours de femme entrepreneure sociale, Trophée des Femmes de l’Economie (ONLINE EVENT ZOOM )

“ From private to social entrepreurship, skills mobilized and meaning given ” Ericka Cogne, 37, is already well known in the social and solidarity economy for her energy and power of conviction. She started her career in a conventional way as a consultant in strategy at Accenture, but this agent of change wanted to give…

Credit photo: Feminin Pluriel Hauts-de-France

Feminin Pluriel, haut et fort 

By Sophie Pagan-Sedjaï, President Feminin Pluriel Hauts de France –   La période est singulière et sort chacune d’une zone de confort ou de réflexes et habitudes. Quand les chef(fes) d’entreprises ont l’impression que les salariées ont la vie simple et sans tracas, inversement quelques unes trouvent que la pression d’une direction est 100 fois pire…

FP Geneva – March 17 from 1.30 to 2 PM – Coffee Break with Professor Bettina Borish (ONLINE EVENT)

Professor of Public Health, Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva Executive Director of  the World Federation of Public Health Associations, Geneva Dr Borisch is an MD and a Histopathologist, MPH and Fellow of the Royal College of Pathology (UK). Her scientific research work delves into neoplastic lesions of the immune system and breast cancer.…